Have you ever gone through a difficult time and wondered to happened to some people that you called your friends? Let have a
close look at this scripture: Proverbs 18: 24 A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Note the phrase ' and there is a friend' which means this does not apply to all friends. This is why we get disappointed sometimes when we go through difficult times. We think some people will be there for us and suddenly we find out that they are not there. Proverbs 18 :24 says that you can have many friends as long as you are friendly, but only few of them will stick closer than a brother. Its only a friend closer than a brother that will go the extra mile for you and hang in there during difficult times. The above scripture differentiates levels of friendship, not all friends will stick closer than a brother! We need to be discerning when dealing with people so we don't expose ourselves to the wrong people and get hurt. Its not everyone you can expose yourself too during trials. Simply because not everyone has want it takes to help. Some people are simply not matured enough to offer any assistance while others may not have the commitment it takes. While is good to have physical support and encouragement, sometimes it can be difficult to find it. But remember that whatever you are going through, our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ will always be there. For He will never leave us nor forsake us! (Hebrews 13:5). Bisi Oladipupo
21/7/2013 08:35:56 am
Hi Tawana,
23/7/2013 06:26:31 am
Good insight on friends. God blesses us with different kinds of friends. One may be a good listener, and at times, that's what we need. Another will give you the shirt off his or her back. And thank God for the friend who will stick with you through thick and thin in such times of need.
23/7/2013 11:40:44 am
Thanks Pastor Frank for your comments. Yes we do need to be discerning when it comes to friends. God bless
23/7/2013 09:17:48 am
It is hard to be disappointed by one thought to be a friend, and to give that hurt to our Lord can be difficult. I am glad He has taught me about asking forgiveness, extending forgiveness and most of all, loving the Word enough to not take on an offense. He wants us to walk with Him on higher ground and will use life's circumstances to build us up in Him.
23/7/2013 11:42:06 am
Thanks Jeannie for your comments. Yes we must learn to take it all the the Lord. He is the best friend. God bless
24/7/2013 06:18:51 pm
HI Bisi, This is a hard truth for sure, but a necessary one. The Lord even says not to throw our pearls before swine. That is kind of a similar thought here because when we bare our hearts to someone who is not mature enough to be understanding and give guidance, then it is like they trample on our hearts. Proverbs talks a lot about being wise with friendships. Thanks for the exhortation. This it not often mentioned. Blessings, Amy
25/7/2013 04:41:11 am
Thanks Amy, very true. When we put undue pressure on people that do not have the substance to deliver we end up frustrating the relationship instead of just leaving them in their rightful place. In addition to that, as you mentioned in your comment, we also get hurt because we have cast precious things to those that do not appreciate them. God bless
26/7/2013 11:51:32 pm
My wife and I struggle with this too, though through it we've come to depend ONLY on God and eachother. What's really depressing about it though is that we've had friends be more supportive to us than our own family members, and I think that's just sad.
27/7/2013 05:19:41 am
Hi Jay, yes sometimes that can be true. Sometimes family members are just want they are 'family' but not friends. That's why the bible says that 'there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother', a friend sometimes will go beyond the call of duty even than a brother. In such cases, friends will do a better job.
27/8/2013 02:27:07 pm
Just commenting on someone's Facebook regarding James 5:16: "Confess to one another therefore your faults..." I look at FRIENDSHIP as people in God's tabernacle: I have friends in the Court of the Gentiles; friends in the Holy Place and one or two friends in the Holy of Holies. I certainly not going to confess my inward thoughts and my faults and slip-ups to anyone except...the ones who are in the HOLY OF HOLIES!
28/8/2013 12:42:22 pm
Hi Mel,
18/11/2013 02:33:34 pm
Thanks Rashida God bless!!
20/11/2013 04:14:16 am
Hi Bisi, This a brilliant post! A good word of wisdom. I learnt this in a hard way, but through it, I have come to understand that people will disappointment us, just as i too will disappoint people at one time or the other. But, as you said in this post, coupled with the comments shared, WISDOM is very important in all our relationships. Thank you Sis. God bless you!
20/11/2013 01:51:31 pm
Thanks Shade, we all have had some experiences along the journey of life in the area. Its just makes us wiser. God bless!
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