Have you ever tried to help or each out to someone before and they rejected your help? You tried, but they resisted your help. To make matters worst they even perceived you as an enemy. All you wanted to do was help them.
Most people have gone through this before. Suddenly, they change their telephone number and don’t tell you. Some cut you off, others mis- understand you and start talking about you. Rejecting help is not new, you are not alone. Jesus Christ our Lord went through this during His earthly ministry and is still going through it today. Luke 13: 34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not! Can you see the heart of the Lord? Can you see a similar pattern? The Lord sending prophets and people to help, but they get killed and stoned. While today we may not get killed and stoned, either way, our genuine and sincere help may be rejected. I am sure most of us have heard statements like, ‘ we tried to help them but they will not let us’, they stopped taking our calls’. they stopped coming to the counselling sections, the list goes on. So what do you do, when someone rejects our help? The reality of it is that there is not much we can do. All one can do is pray for them, hoping that it will not be too late. Man has been given a free will, and if a person refuses our help there is not much we can do. We cannot impose ourselves. So what else can we do? Sometimes sad but true, we can only sit back and watch the consequence of the help that was rejected. Painful but true!. So does that mean we should stop helping others? No not at all. When a person rejects our help, we must not take it personally, just pray, release it, and let it go. Move on, and be a help to someone else. So what is the conclusion? We are not to impose ourselves on others however severe the consequence of their rejecting help may bring. As we walk along the journey of life, some will receive help and support from us while some will not. Bisi Oladipupo
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Heavens agenda in any situation is several steps up higher than what we are thinking. Kevin Zadai. Or
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