Ants: Ants don’t waste time. They know what to do in the summer time of life. They maximise seasons of life. The bible says in the book of Ecclesiastes 3: 1 To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: We need to be wise and know how to maximise seasons of life. A season can be years, but it is still a season. In other words, it will not last forever. Rock badgers Rock badgers know where to build. They build houses on rocks. Solid ground, in others words a place that will not be affected by the shakings of life. Many have built businesses on shaky ground, only for it to tumble down. Building something on a unreliable word, is like building on sand. They said so many things but when the time to deliver came, they fell short of their words. Everything we do should be on solid ground. Yes, we have all made mistakes and thank God for His mercy, however, as we grow, we should be making wiser decisions. The bible says that those who hear and do the word, are like those who build on a rock. In other words, those people are wise. Matthew 27: 24- 27 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. Locusts: The locusts work with one another. They work in bands, and move together. There should be no room for a one man band. What do l mean? A person that does not want to work with any other person. All our gifts are for others (1 Peter 4; 10), we are one body, and we need each other. We need to minister to each other and work with one another. The bible calls this wisdom. The spider: The spider is diligent and is in kings palaces. Proverbs 18: 16 reads “A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men”. We need to use what we have, and use it diligently. This is what the spider does, it uses its hands, and is now in kings palaces. The bible calls this wisdom. If you notice, the bible calls these four things “exceedingly wise”. In others words, they are very wise. Can we learn from them? Perhaps it’s time to take an audit, and ask the Lord to show us areas where we can apply more wisdom. The scriptures require us to be wise (Proverbs 4; 7). We have the Lord to help us at all things. In other words, we have a greater advantage. An ever present who will never leave us. Proverbs 4: 7 reads “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding”. Bisi Oladipupo
4/9/2019 06:42:12 pm
So enjoyed reading these verses that I have never given much thought about. It shows me that wisdom is such a vital advantage in life but it has to be sought and cultivated. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
6/9/2019 09:53:22 am
Thanks Gretchen for your comment and for stopping by.
6/9/2019 02:04:09 am
Bisi, nice post. The verses you used are so thought provoking. Even among these 4 small creatures we think so little about, we can see great wisdom displayed.
6/9/2019 09:55:01 am
Thanks Pastor Frank for the comment and for stopping by again.
9/9/2019 06:24:17 pm
Proverbs 9:10-11 The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One (Jesus) is insight and understanding. For by me [Wisdom from God] your days shall be multiplied, and the years of your life shall be increased.
9/9/2019 08:55:45 pm
Thanks Mel for the comment and for stopping by.
11/9/2019 08:09:15 pm
We can practically get insight from every living creature/plant God has place on earth, but we must first learn to stop, look and listen (contemplate). Scripture even tells us to consider how they (birds, lilies) survive and how much more valuable we are to God than they are. Yes, we can definitely learn from those things that we usually consider insignificant. They hold the greatest of lessons! Thank you for this very encouraging piece.
12/9/2019 04:00:41 pm
Thanks Joe for the comment and for stopping by.
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