If anyone hears the word “seed” especially if you are a farmer; your mind automatically goes to patience and a process. We have many descriptions of God’s Word and one of them is seed. Mark 4; 14 The sower soweth the word. Mark 4; 24 And he said, so is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; The word of God is also described as “incorruptible seed” (1 Peter 1; 23). There is a reason the word of God is referred to as “seed”; and in this case “incorruptible seed”. If we can learn from the nature of seed we can apply this to God’s Word. The reason many have been frustrated is that they forget that Gods word is seed; and seed does not grow overnight. It takes time. Unfortunately we live in a hasty world and many forget that the principles of God’s kingdom have not changed. It is so important to understand this simple truth that will have profound effects upon your Christian walk. Have you ever seen a farmer plant seed; water it and then give up on it? No a thousand times no. Every farmer is one day expecting a harvest. This is why sometimes things take a while to manifest. The seed is at work. O! how important it is to understand the nature of God’s Word. This is also why we need to be patient with ourselves and with each other. As long as the Word of God is being sown on good ground; it’s just a matter of time. This is why the bible says “the Word of God that effectually works in you “( 2 Thel 2; 13). When we are sowing the Word of God in any area of our lives or towards something and we begin to see small changes we need to rejoice; that is the nature of seed. Mark 4; 26- 29 And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground; 27 And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how. 28 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. 29 But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come. The seed works on its own; we don’t have to do anything. We don’t make it happen the seed produces of itself. As you can see above in verse 28; “the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear etc. In other words small by small; the earth brings forth the fruit. Trusting God is trusting His Word. How do we sow the Word? By studying and mediating on it. Allowing the Holy Spirit to breath life unto the Word. When we sow the Word there is also a place of rest as we can see that the earth brings fruit of itself. We cannot afford to give up on God’s Word. His Word is forever settled (Psalm 119; 89). Sometimes you hear preachers come out with profound revelation. You have no idea how long they have been sowing the Word and mediating on it. The things of God sometimes take time to manifest and it is quite important to understand this. Just allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and it just a matter of time; you will see the desired results. Bisi Oladipupo © 21st February 2021
22/2/2021 06:26:54 pm
Wonderful message! We must be patient with ourselves and allow the seed to grow. Stay in the Word and trust in God.
22/2/2021 08:54:40 pm
So true Shauntae for the comment and for stopping by.
6/3/2021 07:33:30 pm
Thank you Rebecca for the comment and for stopping by.
24/2/2021 04:47:25 pm
Nice post. Jesus Himself likened the Kingdom of God to a sower sowing seed. There is no question about it; when the Word of God--which is good seed--is sown into fertile hearts, it will bring forth fruit in its time.
6/3/2021 07:35:11 pm
Thank you Pastor Frank for the comment and for stopping by.
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